Narrative Film

This short film is loosely based on the short story "Mr. Jeckle and the Case of the Rubber Man" by Cole Tretheway. Cole, who is an extremely talented writer and a good friend of mine, shared the short story with me which inspired me created a short film about it. With his help we managed to adapt the short story into screenplay format, and with the help of Hoang Pham (Ryan Jeckle) and Andrew Nguyen (The Rubber Man) I was able to create this short film. Link to Cole's short story can be found down below. 

Making this film came with a lot of challenges due to Covid 19. Covid has been especially difficult for filmmakers, but I was able to create this film under the safest conditions possible by utilizing a team of only three other individuals to film this project. During the screenwriting, I needed to make sure that as little actors and locations were needed in this project to ensure that we would be able to create this film safely.

Click Here to Read the Short Story